The Disability and inclusion project ‘ Building Bridges’ hosted our annual camp at Raglan football club at the end of July.
This is a much anticipated summer activity for the young members of the project and this year did not disappoint!
Despite the rain on the first day, the young people were not deterred from Archery, multisport, drumming and natural movement workshops which took place. The evening followed by cosying up in the dry to watch ‘Guardians of the galaxy’ with lots of popcorn to hand. To finish the long first day, we had smores over the fire pit – and they were delicious!
On the second day, the sun shone for us and it was a fun filled day of circus skills and a ‘Music Bus’ which had it’s own recording studio for our young people to write and record their own songs!
One of the highlights was a super special workshop delivered by the puppeteer and makers from Bad wolf productions. They had bought some of the puppets from the BBC show ‘His Dark Materials’ – the workshop allowed our young people to learn all about puppetry. They became mesmerised and to quote found the puppets ‘Just Magical’.
Building Bridges camp wouldn’t be the same without ‘Raglan’s got talent’ which saw some of our young people find the confidence to stand up and perform some amazing talents such as dancing, singing and a stand up act about learning russian on Duolingo.
Our young people never fail to amaze us with their kind, caring and funny attitudes. Everyone got stuck in, challenged themselves, made new friendships and rounded off the camp with a big disco, lights and all!!
The summer has just started for us at Building Bridges with lots more to come and we can’t wait.
Ashleigh Francis
Project Co-ordinator for Building Bridges