Quest Buster’s (QB) supports families across Monmouthshire who have a child aged between 6-17 with additional needs. We do this by providing a diverse range of events throughout the year, with an emphasis on inclusive and fun activities for the entire family. We aim to provide activities where people don’t feel judged, where young people can have positive experiences and where families and carers can benefit from respite and social opportunities.
Quest Busters sits under the Disability and Inclusion team at Bridges Centre, alongside Building Bridges, People First Monmouthshire and the Autism Family Support for Monmouthshire teams. The QB project has evolved from the experiences of its sister projects MAGIC (Gwent Parent Carer Network) and Building Bridges, enabling us to build on the successful opportunities and spaces that the community tells us about.

We organise various fun, mostly local activities across the county which are inspired by our members and their families. We use this members-led approach so that our service provides activities that are wanted, engaging and which reach our main objective of providing activities for our members that they might not be able to attend in a mainstream setting.
Some of the activities that we have provided so far range from horse riding, aerial bungee dancing, circus skills workshops, online after-school cook-a-long clubs, comic book creation and outdoor adventure days. During the summer holidays we have enjoyed gorge-walking, rock climbing, archery, a pony pamper day, a nerf war and cinema party, Beatboxing and drumming workshops, reptile and farm experiences, had regular skateboarding lessons and have even been surfing!

We are also lucky enough to have been able to give our members the opportunity to visit the theatre to watch West End hits and access a disability friendly circus!
Our members and their families feedback to us that they feel included and understood and they look forward to future events that we facilitate. We are proud to be able to offer a project that connects our members so positively and enables everyone to feel included and part of ‘The QB Family’.

Discover More
You can see the varied activities that the group get up to, learn more about us and get in touch via our Facebook page, click the link below!
Quest Busters Facebook

The National Lottery Community Fund
Quest Busters are proudly funded by the National Lottery Community Fund. You can learn more about the way the community fund works by clicking the link below.
National Lottery Community Fund