Christmas Extravaganza

On Friday December 16th, The Bridges’ Disability & Inclusion Team came together to host a Christmas Extravaganza at Drybridge House in order to celebrate our differences and spread a little magic in Monmouthshire this Christmas.

We had a fantastic evening with a brass band, disco, performers, crafts, food, Santa and more!  We had amazing support from the community who donated gifts for Santa to pass on and we had some wonderful volunteers who worked really hard to help create an exciting, uplifting and memorable experience for our members.

I’m so proud of the whole team for pulling off such an ambitious and successful event in a relatively short space of time and I took huge pleasure in seeing such joy radiating from the faces of the 100 members who attended.

I would like to thank all who came and especially the staff, volunteers and sponsors who willingly and generously donated their time and fantastic gifts to help Santa create such a joyful event.

Rather than money, I hope we all agree that our new currency in Monmouthshire during these difficult times should be caring and sharing….there’s nothing more valuable than showing that we care and we can change lives by sharing what we have with those around us.

Merry Christmas Monmouthshire!

Paula Jones

Disability & Inclusion Project Manager

A big thank you to all of the local businesses that supported the extravaganza with very kind donations – THANK YOU!