Community Connections
Community Connections supports people who are socially isolated in Monmouthshire to feel part of their community by providing volunteer befrienders.
We bring people together either on a one-to-one basis or in social activity groups. Volunteers can provide company at home and may also enable people to get out to get to appointments or local facilities with the use of Bridges Car Scheme.
Community Connections helps people to live independently and happily.
Factors such as no longer being able to drive, bereavement or loss of mobility can have a big impact on how much social contact people have and can cause people to feel lonely and depressed. The support of family, friends and neighbours is vital for people adjusting to new circumstances but this is not always available due to family living away, work commitments and lack of awareness.
Community Connections can make a big difference to individual volunteers as well as the people we befriend.
We all appreciate feeling valued and useful and it is rewarding to see the difference a little time and kindness can make. Volunteers are provided with training to prepare them for their role and are given on-going support from project coordinators. We aim to provide a quality volunteering opportunity and can make arrangements to ensure volunteering fits in with other commitments.