Singing for Breathing

Event Details

When: Thursdays 11.30am-12.30pm

Where: Agincourt Hall

How Much: £4 per session – or what you can afford 

Contact: Kirsty Abraham  – 07905 789683 

Singing for Breathing 

Do you have a lung condition that affects your breathing? 

Singing for Breathing could help. The sessions are led by a trained Singing for Lung Health leader, and aim to enable healthy breathing through awareness, dedicated exercises and selected songs, not to mention a few laughs along the way. Songs are taught, led and sung without written music – no-one need feel they are not able to join in. Sometimes we even manage some harmonies! But there’s no pressure to, and you don’t need to feel you are a singer to try it out and help your breathing.  Research shows that singing can hugely benefit breathlessness.